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Wilfried van Quekelberghe ist von uns gegangen


the former Chairman of the IAU Field Division Technical Committee, who died on September 29, aged 80 was the man responsible for the addition of Indoor 18 meter Field-crossbow shooting to the IAU's

Wilfried van Quekelberghe

international competition calendar. In 1998 he lead the organizing committee of the inaugural 18m Indoor Field Euro-Cup (Kortrijk BEL) and, in 2003 he played a leading role in the organization of the 1st IAU European 18m Indoor Field-crossbow Championship - also in Kortrijk.  For many years Wilfried was a well known and respected International Judge who often officiated at IAU World and Continental Championships throughout Europe and in Asia. He will always be remembered for his integrity and fairness as well as his warm personality. On behalf of all members of the IAU we offer our sincere condolences to Wilfried's family and his many friends in the Belgian Crossbow-shooting Union.

Charles MÉCHIN, IAU Secretary General



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